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Dig a drainage ditch for the house, make a toilet, catch bees dividing the flock, roast chicken....
Make toilets, live with nature
Get materials to make chicken coop, pull high voltage to the house on stilts...
build a chicken coop, buy 1 more puppy, make grilled geese, wife knits green wire bags...
build a tank to raise ornamental fish, his wife wraps cakes with chit leaves..
Why Are They Bleeding Her? #phlebotomy
Make shelves for dishes, build toilets, harvest bamboo shoots, make bowls for dogs
Harvest cucumbers, Catch fish, Do the kitchen, Roast duck, Live with nature
give ci a bath, make a finished toilet, spend a day experiencing new nature, weeding ....
Make complete the chicken coop, Install a bamboo bed to sleep and rest, Life Living Nature - Day 15
Fishing for Real With the Latest Gear and Technology
Full video: 110 days of building houses on stilts, bamboo floors, kitchens, toilets... building farm